20120801 Important Up-date for AFMA members

Important Up-date for AFMA members - Aug 1, 2012

This message was forwarded to me by Wayne Lilley.  No further information is known at this time.
Some sad news for those of you who knew Joe and Norma Baker.  Norma’s obit was in this morning’s paper.  She died 14 July.  They were a great couple and will be missed.
Wayne Lilley
AFMA Members,
Tonight, I will be handing over the AFMA email administrator reins to John Norse.  After talking to him the other night, I found he is very willing and capable of taking over Danny Hamilton’s job.  He will do a fantastic job, so please be sure to welcome and encourage him in his new AFMA role.
From here on out, please direct all emails you feel the AFMA membership should know about to him.
His email address is:
I will still be available to step in just in case John needs a break but it was an honor to fill in for Danny for the past couple of months.  He was a wonderful mentor and a dear friend to me over the past 35 plus years that I knew him…he will truly be missed.
Be Blessed,
Jack “Jake” Story